Life after a break

Sometimes it is important to take a break from work, from family, and even from yourself in order to restart life with more and positive energy, That's what i did when a lot was going around, priorities changed and after a year or more, today i am back to write a post for the first time at 1:00 am. 

where have i been? as i updated in my last post about my new journey as a mother, suddenly i felt like i was surrounded by a lot. 

i couldn't get a break after my baby was born, under pressure of my own dreams and fears i wanted to join my post graduation course as soon as possible. i have been stressing a lot while i was pregnant since i wasn't working and blogging was my only way to diversion.

but life turned towards me and i got my seat in post graduation, i always wanted to have something created completely by me, so i created this blog and then my youtube channel my digital diary.

i joined college on regular basis and schedule was 9-5 six days a week. joining after 2 months of giving birth for the first time gave me the worst health issues of my life. my eyes! yes my eyes got worst, there were days when i couldn't even open my eyes, it might be the pregnancy or my dry eyes that gave me hard time. so i had to focus completely on my health and my studies. 

but trust me our eyes are the most beautiful gift given by God, ask people who have lost their vision. so i changed my priorities, i was a selfish person to do that but i had to sleep away from my child because proper rest and least exposure to screen were only helping. 

so i stopped dreaming about having my youtube  channel grow or about blogging, and i only focused on my studies, eyes and baby.time flew away, in this lockdown i got rest much needed and plenty of time to relive my dreams once again. so i broke my break and went back on youtube again and finally after an year or more i am writing this post here. 

link to my youtube channel : My digital diary please visit my channel and consider subscribing if you find it relatable and help me grow my family :)
