Life after a break


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Productivity tips
Welcome ladies, you are reading this post, it means you want to keep yourself busy which is
wonderful thing itself because most people who stays at home waste their time in activities which gives nothing in return like watching t.v serials, gossiping, scrolling down on social media and so on!
Being a homemaker itself is a tough and exhausting job, at first it seems exciting to stay at home whole day and relaxing in free time but soon you get bored of this mundane routine and some of you may start looking for options to keep yourself engaged in something productive to do in your leisure time. 

Your free time gives relief from long hours of work, It offers opportunity to fill oneself with renewed energy to start a new task. So one must spend it wisely, for own well being and self improvement. Here are a few options on how a homemaker can spend their leisure time productively - 

Just because you are not going to office doesn't mean you don't need to follow a  healthy routine. Wake up a little early and take out some time for your physical and mental health.
Start your day with meditation, yoga and morning walks. You can also join a gym in the evening .
Start your work early so that you have spare time during day to indulge yourself into something that is beneficial for you.

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Reading don't just go with you, it takes you where you have never been. You can read novels, articles, news and so on. Reading helps you dive into the deep ocean of knowledge. It will improve your vocabulary and language skills eventually. Also keep you updated.

Another thing you can indulge yourself is improving your home in your free time, it may include making crafts from scratch and add it to your home decor, or organizing your home, or cleaning your home from top to bottom and so on. It will not only keep you occupied but also give you a self satisfaction and happiness when you put an effort into your home.

Depending on your hobbies you can learn a new activity in your spare time. It can be learning a new language, or leaning how to swim or anything of your choice . It will help you in many ways-  You will learn a new skill, utilize your time productively and also make new friends .

There are many sites online providing work from home, also there are various work available online which only requires a laptop or mobile , a good internet connection and your knowledge in a field. Start looking out for such options on internet and work on suitable options. It may include freelance work, writing articles, blogging, video making, data entry jobs and so on. Choose what suits you !

One of the best thing to spend your free time is by teaching students in your field of interest. You can teach a subject, or start yoga classes or dance or painting classes as per your choice. It will be beneficial in two ways - one you will be occupied and also you will be earning some money.

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Again this depends on your interest, you can plant flowers and also some vegetables and herbs, you can have your choices. Start gardening , decorate your home with your planted plants and get natural air purifiers. You can decorate and enhance your tiny balcony if you live in apartment and start gardening their. It will help you stay occupied.

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A baking queen ! Don't limit your talent up to kitchen only, it's always satisfying to bake for your kids and husband but if you have a good hand then take your dishes out of  kitchen and start selling them. You can start it on a lower scale, make your signature dishes and sell it . You will be occupied plus enjoying plus earning a few bucks.

You know how to sew and knit! congratulations you can do a lot more with it and keep yourself busy. Find new designs on google, pintrest, tumblr and recreate them, put your own ideas. You can teach people how to sew or knit, you can also sell your work. Also you can sew or knit for others and earn.

10- MAKEUP - 
Who doesn't love makeup, and the best part is that you don't need a degree to pursue it. This depends on your love for makeup and your ability to learn. Many tutorials available online where one can learn step by step makeup, engage yourself in learning this new skill and once you master it, teach it to others too. This will make you a makeup pro plus keep you busy in your spare time.
These were my tips for homemakers to spend their spare time more productively rather than wasting it on useless activities. Let me know if these tips helps . THANK YOU !
