Tips for happy marriage

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Marriage is a beautiful commitment, it makes your life much beautiful if filled with happiness. Many of us keep wondering how to take a marriage  run into a long term, how to keep the spark alive after years of marriage and what it takes to create a happy married life. However if you want a marriage to work happily, you need to work on it, to keep the romance alive, though it's not always easy, both of you need to put an effort to it.

In my posts i always try to put my experiences and solutions that worked for me to help my readers. I am a married women and i too faced hardships in my marriage because of differences between us, no two people can be same, neither they think same. So we worked on our marriage and brought solutions to save our marriage, and today we are happy together, in love and growing together. I will be sharing my thoughts on marriage, what worked for us.


 Major problem when argument arises, people speak without listening to the other one and argument heats up. What one should keep in mind even during argument that other's perceptive can be different towards a subject than yours, better to listen to other one without speaking and judging them. Any one needs to act mature and calm down to handle a situation in such case. Problem will be half solved.

 You had argument, so everyone has. No two people can agree on a thing always but what must be remembered for a happy married life is the extent you are taking your argument. Don't drag your fights too long, don't extend it to the next day, start your new day on a new note without fighting over the same thing. Remember he/she is your better half, a part of yours and there is no harm in forgiving them.

Time has evolved and everyone is working hard now a days to make his/her own existence mark-able in  real world which is good but along with this we are forgetting the importance of our relations, not spending time with our spouse and family which is bringing a distance and creating a tension between couples. In this running world it's very important to make time for the ones whom we love, even if you are super busy try to steal moments to spend with your loved ones.

Go for an evening or morning walk together, hit the same gym together, or go for dinner together once a week, even if your relationship is old remember that you need your partner and they need you,try to keep the spark alive by spending time together.


Many couples are there who doesn't sleep together specially after they had a fight. Erase this habit, when you fight you need each other the most, don't let your anger take over your love, sleep together even after the biggest fight, it will automatically melt the tension between you two.


Another poison in marriage is involving a third party in personal conflicts with friends and family, i used to share my problems whenever i had a fight with my husband with family and friends. This habit of mine created toxicity in our relation , firstly he never liked this habit of mine and second everyone has a different opinion plus they are listening to only one side of the story and as a result their judgement is mostly inclined towards you that doesn't let you use your own brain and think about the conflict impartially.

Also looking at couples achieving couple goals and their posts on social media influences a relationship in many ways, one starts expecting, comparison starts and when not achieved it leads to dissatisfaction and causes fights in a relationship.


Now when i talk about expressing love, i know majority of men are not vocal about their feelings, i talked to many people and got same answer MY MEN DOESN'T EXPRESS THROUGH WORDS.
Don't be frustrated if he doesn't express or doesn't know how to express verbally, usually this becomes the reason to fight but instead we must try to feel their love through their actions. Trust me with time they change as they get comfortable around you, keep expressing your love without expecting it back in same way, and watch his actions, when a men loves you his actions speaks more than his words.


You are partners for life, there is going to be good times and rough times as well. It's important to share your problems, your emotions with each other to build a strong long term relationship, Support each other , love each other through every phase. Understand each other's needs by listening to them.
Trust is another and most important ingredient to build a long term marriage, it is necessary to build a strong trust for a happy marriage.


When listings out the poisons of  marriage the strongest one is our own expectations. It's easy to make expectations without understanding our partner's mindset wheather he/she will understand your expectations in the same way or not and unsatisfied expectations are the root cause of many major problems in a marriage. Better to keep your expectations minimal and whatever your partner will do for you will be a bonus .


It is important to understand that your partner is a completely different individual and they had a different upbringing than yours which means their choices, their decisions, their opinions can be completely different than your's. So you must respect and accept your partner's individuality without trying to change him/her.


People spending time more on social media than their loved ones. If you do this too then leave this habit as soon as possible, your partner needs you more than your social media so when you are with your partner utilize that time to be with your partner only rather than spending it on social media.

One of the important aspect of marriage after building trust is being loyal and keeping things crystal clear between you two is loyalty and transparency in your marriage. Don't hide things from your partner because it will only create fractions in your marriage.

So these were my tips for a happy marriage , i hope they are going to help you. Remember it's important to put an effort to a marriage if you want it to work happily and successfully.
